Euro 6 Exhaust System Remanufacture
Over time Euro 6 exhaust systems can fail to operate effectively causing MIL activation and limp mode running. This can be for a number of reasons including:
• Displaced or fractured Diesel Oxidation catalyst (DOC)
• Deactivated SCR catalyst
• Irreversible chrystalised AdBlue accumulation
• Exothermed DPF

Remanufacture program
Excalibre offer a remanufacture program covering all popular Euro 6 bus models including E200, E300, E400, E400H, NRM, Streetdeck, Streetlite and Scania. Our services include:
Full inspection and clean of DPF, DOC and SCR. Cleaning and re-tapping of all sensor ports for a fixed price and detailed quotation where further work is required including:
• Repositioning and fitting of retaining rings for displaced DOC’s
• Replacement of fractured or deactivated DOC’s
• SCR catalyst removal and replacement
• DPF replacement
• Replacement NOx sensors
• Replacement temperature sensors
Type approved replacement catalysts are used where available.
Removal and reinstallation service also available.